Watchmen - 4pts

The use of red is very abundant in the comic which I think immediately sets the correct tone for the comic. I found the main character very interesting and I liked how is mask was never really drawn the same way. In three panels side by side they were blatantly all different designs for the mask on his face. I liked the antihero feeling to it all where the motive of the lead wasn't very clear and his morals are a little sketchy. It reminded me a lot of the feeling of Deadpool. At some points I found the character pretty funny in his complete disregard for others, like when he's breaking the man's fingers in the bar and asking everyone else for information. It's more crazy than threatening. This alternate world where all the superheroes are very disorganized, selfish, and fighting with each other is also very appealing. It's sort of a backhanded way of not having trust in humanity to use their powers for good but rather for their own benefit.


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