Underground Comics by Women - 3pts

Tits and Clits was fun to read because I finally got to see Underground Comics by the gender that was less represented. They expressed, from the female perspective, their sexual desire from an explicit point of view and how many of their views are pretty similar to men. I noticed that they lesbian content was more accepted by the female gender than men and gay content. In these comics the authors seemed more open to drawing women in intercourse as well as with men. It also makes fun of a lot of the things men find attractive about women. For example, how big breasts are more of a pain to deal with in many situations and sort of just get in the way. Also it talks about vibrators way more than men do, probably because it's another way to get pleasure without having to find a man. It's just more efficient. It brings the realization that women and men have similar sexual desires, as do humans. 


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