Calvin and Hobbes - 3pts
Bill Watterson, is my choice for week four's featured artist assignment. I love the style of the Calvin and Hobbes comics, something about the line work makes it very cute and childlike. The punchlines are always very relatable and playing with the idea of Hobbes coming in and out of his stuffed animal form gives a lot of possibilities for the story. I also love the way Calvin is so rebellious, as a child should be, and he fights against authority in the way some children wish they could. Hobbes plays the great contrast to him of being his best friend that can always join in the shenanigans while also being a voice of reason sometimes. Hobbes is the stuffed animal every kid felt that they had, or should have, in their childhood. It's very innocent fun most of the time where the idea of the limits of a child's imagination is played with. These comics also bring up very adult topics, and topics that invoke powerful thoughts. The way Calvin talks makes him seem very intellectu...